What is Marketed? - Biz Stack


A blog about Business education and others.

Monday, March 25, 2019

What is Marketed?

    Marketers market 10  types of entities: 
    1. Goods
    2. Services
    3. Experiences
    4. Events
    5. Persons
    6. Places
    7. Properties
    8. Organisations
    9. Information
    10. Ideas.

    1. Goods: Physical goods constitute the bulk of most countries’ production and marketing efforts. Examples are refrigerators, television sets, food products, machines, etc.

    2. Services: As economies advance, a growing proportion of their activities is focused on the production of services. Examples are: services include the work of airlines, hotels, car rental firms, barbers, beauticians, etc., and professionals such as Accountants, bankers, lawyers, engineers, doctors, etc.

    3. Experiences: By orchestrating several services and goods, a firm creates, stage and market experiences. For example: traveling, climbing Mount Everest, etc.

    4. Events: Marketers promote time-based events, such as trade shows, artistic performances, Asian Games, sports events, etc.

    5. Persons: Celebrity marketing is a major business. Today, every major film star has an agent, a personal manager, and ties to a public relations agency. For Example, artists, musicians, physicians, etc.

    6. Places: Cities, states, regions, and whole nations compete actively to attract tourists, factories, company headquarters, and new residents. Further examples: commercial banks, local business associations, real estate agents, Economic development specialists, etc.

    7.PropertiesProperties are intangible rights of ownership of either real property (real estate) or financial property (stocks, bonds, etc.). Properties are bought and sold, and this requires marketing.

    8. Organisations: Organisations actively work to build a strong, favorable, and unique image in the minds of their target public. Universities, museums, performing arts organizations, and non-profits all use marketing to boost their public images and to compete for audiences and funds. 

    9. Information: Information can be produced and marketed as a product. This is essentially what schools and universities produce and distribute at a price to parents, students, and communities. For example, magazines, encyclopedias, newspapers, etc. supply information.

    10. Ideas: Every market offering includes a basic idea. “In the factory, we make cosmetics; in the store we sell hope.” Social marketers are busy promoting such ideas.

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