Why scanning and analysis of marketing environment is essential for operating an industry effectively? - Biz Stack


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Sunday, September 17, 2017

Why scanning and analysis of marketing environment is essential for operating an industry effectively?

Why scanning and analysis of marketing environment is essential for operating an industry effectively? 

Organizational environment consists of both external and internal factors. Environment must be scanned so as to determine development and forecasts of factors that will influence organizational success. Environmental scanning refers to possession and utilization of information about occasions, patterns, trends, and relationships within an organization's internal and external environment. It helps the managers to decide the future path of the organization. Scanning must identify the threats and opportunities existing in the environment. While strategy formulation, an organization must take advantage of the opportunities and minimize the threats. A threat for one organization may be an opportunity for another.

Actually when marketer scans and analysis the marketing environment then they can understand the industry environment, national environment, broader socio-economic environment as well as the industry's internal capabilities and relationship which help them to operate industry effectively. On the other hand, Industry environment needs an appraisal of the competitive structure of the organization's industry, including the competitive position of a particular organization and its main rivals. Also, an assessment of the nature, stage, dynamics and history of the industry is essential. Marketing environment helps them to identify this better industry environment which helps operating an industry effectively.

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