State the different types of marketer has to deal with. Cite example in each case. - Biz Stack


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Sunday, September 17, 2017

State the different types of marketer has to deal with. Cite example in each case.

State the different types of  marketer has to deal with. Cite example in each case.

Financial Publics: Our relatiohships with Financial Publics are extremely important. These relationships directly influence our ability to obtain funding for our business. Financial Publics typically include banks, investment houses and-stock holders.
Media Publics: Media Publics can be extremely valuable, or they can be a thorn in our side. Media Publics typically carry news, features and editorial opinions, delivering them to our customers and other Publics. They include newspapers, blogs, magazines (print and digital), radio (broadcast and interne) and television outlets (broadcast and digital).
Government Publics: Management must take governmental developments into account. Marketers must often consult with government officials, their lawyers, and sometimes lobbyists.
Citizen-Action Publics: The decisions we make will sometimes be questioned by citizens, consumer organizations, environmental groups, minority groups and others. Our PR department can help us stay in touch with these groups.
Local Publics: Local bublics typically include neighborhood residents and community organizations. Businesses will usually appoint a community relations officer to meet with the community, answer questions and contribute to worthwhile causes.
General Publics: A business needs to be concerned with the general public's attitude and perception towards its products and activities in the marketplace. The perception of the business, it's brands, products and services in the public directly affect consumers buying habits.
Internal Publics: Internal publics are groups of people inside our own business. These groups can consist of employees, managers, volunteers, and the board of directors. Business typically use memos, company meetings, and other means to motivate their internal publics.

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