How cultural forces affect a company's marketing decision? - Biz Stack


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Sunday, September 17, 2017

How cultural forces affect a company's marketing decision?

State how cultural forces affect a company's marketing decision? Put specific examples to supplement your answer.

The cultural environment consists of institutions and other forces that affect a society's basic values, perceptions, preferences, and behaviors. People grow up in a particular society that shapes their basic beliefs and values. The following cultural characteristics can affect marketing decision making.

The persistence of Cultural Values: 

People in a given society hold many beliefs and values. Their core beliefs and values have a high degree of persistence. For example, most Americans believe in individual freedom, hard work, getting married, and achievement and success. Core beliefs and values are passed on from parents to children and are reinforced y schools, churches, business, and government.
Secondary beliefs and values are more open to change . Believing in marriage is a core belief;believing that people should get married early in life is a secondary belief. Marketers have some chance of changing secondary values but little chances of changing core values.

Shifts in Secondary cultural values:

Although core values are fairly persistent, cultural swings do take place. Consider the impact of popular music groups, movie personalities, and other celebrities on young people's hairstyle and clothing norms. Marketers want to predict cultural shifts to spot new opportunities or threats. The major cultural values of s society are expressed in people's views of themselves and others, as well as in their views of organizations, society, nature, and the universe.

People views of themselves: People vary in their emphasis on serving themselves versus serving others. Some people seek personal pleasure, wanting fun,change, and escape. Others seek self-realization through religion, recreation, or the avid pursuit of careers or other life goals. 
People's Views of others: People's attitudes toward and interactions with others shift over time. In recent years, some analysts have voiced concerns that the Internet age would result in diminished human interaction, as people buried, their heads in their computer's or smart phone, Facebook, Twitter etc. 
People's Views of Organization: People vary in their attitudes toward corporations, government agencies, trade unions, universities, and other organizations. By and large, people are willing to work for major organizations and expect them, in turn, to carry out society's work. 
People's Views of Society: People vary in their attitudes toward their society- patriots defend it reformers want to change it, and malcontents want to leave it. People's orientation to their society influences their consumption patterns and attitudes toward the marketplace. 

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